A fascinating film Small Things Like These has premiered at the Berlin Film Festival on 15th February 2024. The movie is produced by Cillian Murphy, the star in Oppenheimer. Interestingly, the ace producer plays a major role in the drama too. This film is based on a novel of the same title which was published…
Author: Karan Khanna
Love in isolation
She feared her love addiction She feared the demon of loneliness As her lover approached for union The fright of rivals halted her approval for a moment Little did she know Isolation would write her love story On hard stone No fire could burn, no wind could rub
Let there be an afterlife
Let there be an afterlife, so much this atheist wishes Sans judgement, sans society Sans people, sans responsibilities Shall it extend till eternity So short is life for that one true love So many are the distractions in this mortal world Let there be an afterlife, where we focus on nothing but each other…
The Bird
The bird looks at the cage The good old one she fled long ago Now, yearning to be enslaved again Rather this time with little shackles She remembers the days when she was protected and provided for But she, young and high Envied the liberated ones who flew by The youth, the heat,…
Don’t submit
Don’t consent! For consent is the policy of whores A wife’s dignity lies in its surrender Don’t open! The gates of your heart Or the doors or windows Because even if I lose the keys to my home I won’t shy from breaking into the entrances Don’t submit! For submission gives power to…
Khadīja’s Story – Why Exactly Is Islam The Most Liberal Religion For Women? Most Liberal!
While working for the liberal media and moreover watching my conservative counterparts, one thing I observed was that their primary criticism of Islam was the way they treated their women. Rather, most of their attempts at tasteless jokes were focused on the oppression of women who follow the religion. Interestingly, I observed that my feminist…
The test of love
People who never understood love, suggested the young couple Time will diminish your love Or perhaps distance Or maybe too much of each other during the lockdown If not these, then the fact that you two are different And fighting over your differences everyday would crack the strong bond But as love stood strong…